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A Therapist's Guide to EMDR : Tools and Tools and Techniques for Successful Treatment

Parnell Laurel

EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Karnac Books

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Price: £23.00
Published: 2007  

"A Therapist's Guide to EMDR" reviews the theoretical basis for EMDR and presents new information on the neurobiology of trauma. It provides a detailed explanation of the procedural steps along with helpful suggestions and modifications. Areas essential to successful utilization of EMDR are emphasized. These include: case conceptualization; preparation for EMDR trauma processing, including resource development and installation; target development; methods for unblocking blocked processing, including the creative use of interweaves; and session closure. Case examples are used throughout to illustrate concepts. The emphasis in this book is on clinical usefulness, not research. This book goes into the therapy room with clinicians who actually use EMDR, and shows readers how to do it in practice, not just in theory. In short, this is the new, practical book on EMDR.

A long-time EMDR teacher and practitioner, Laurel Parnell gathers the wisdom of her experience to help EMDR-trained therapists in the four areas they need it most: case formulation, ego strengthening, target development, and the ability to work with processing difficulties. This book is essential for EMDR clinicians who want to know how to find ways that EMDR can be modified to fit their clients' needs, rather than forcing clients into rigid technical molds.

Laurel Parnell, Ph.D. is a psychologist, consultant and EMDR trainer. She is the author of two previous books on EMDR, "Transforming Trauma: EMDR" and "EMDR in the Treatment of Adults Abused as Children" as well as articles and a book chapter. Since 1991, Parnell has immersed herself in the practice and development of EMDR and has trained thousands of clinicians in the United States and abroad.