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An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Skills and Applications

Westbrook David et al.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies

Karnac Books

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Price: £19.99
Published: 2007

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has become one of the most widely practised and most popular therapeutic approaches. "An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy" is a beginner's guide to its basic theory, skills, and applications. Part One of this practical text sets out the core concepts and generic skills of CBT including: the method of Socratic dialogue; case formulation; the therapeutic relationship; and therapeutic strategies - cognitive, behavioural, and physiological. Part Two illustrates how these techniques can be applied to the most common mental health problems - depression, panic and agoraphobia, OCD and health anxiety, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. Other, less common, disorders are also explored, as are different methods of delivery including work with individuals, groups, couples, and families. This text will be invaluable to all those coming to CBT for the first time whether on training courses or as part of their everyday work.