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Coaching People with Asperger's Syndrome

Goodyear Bill

Autism and Aspergers

Karnac Books

Edizione 2008

Pagine 242

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This book arises from a lifetime's practical experience of work with people with Asperger's syndrome and autism. People with Asperger's syndrome easily drop through the net and fall into the wrong services - sometimes staying at home, depending on their families, sometimes falling into criminal justice or mental health services. Others, of course, fall into employment. Those in between, and there are many, benefit from the coaching approach developed by Bill Goodyear, which is described in this book.

The book is crammed with practical tips, real life stories and new thinking. So often research results arrive from highly specialised work - this book attempts to synthesise a range of new learning from a number of fields and present a hopeful view of the condition - there are many entry points to use to create the possibility of forward motion and development.
Touching lightly on some specific and recurring problems, the book unpicks our current understanding of the condition and describes in detail how to use coaching to empower and enable rather than to control and direct. Teachers, parents and other professionals working with this population will find the book useful and interesting (and amusing!), as will people with Asperger's and those people who come into contact with the undiagnosed or unnoticed "Aspies" - health, education and social service professionals especially, but also coaches, therapists and complementary health practitioners.
‘What an interesting book you have written! You are very fluent in your subject.'
- Sally Lancaster, Journalist
‘I very much enjoyed the richness of your book. Your own humanity makes the humanity of the people you write about the more real and believable and the sense of community between "Aspies" and others - that would be created by more enlightened non-medical treatment - the more attainable.'
- Colin Adamson, Business Consultant