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Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy

Mollon Phil


Karnac Books

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Published: 2008



Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP] provides a window into the deep sources and structures of emotional currents that flow through the mind. From the energetic vantage point, we can survey the parts, the multiple levels, and the hidden programmes of the psychosomatic system. We have access to realms that are not available through the psyche alone. The author has bridged the diverse fields of "thought field therapy" energy psychology and psychoanalysis to provide a novel overview that is both practical and theoretical.

People like to talk. We know that talking to an attentive and thoughtful listener can be helpful in clarifying conscious and unconscious feelings, thoughts, and motivations. But is talk enough? The complex physiology of anxiety and traumatic stress reactions is often stubbornly persistent, despite therapeutic exploration in both conscious and unconscious areas of the mind. In the case of severe trauma, talking can stir up the emotions and
associated bodily disturbance without providing any resolution - sometimes leaving clients feeling worse. The developing field of energy psychology offers an entirely new perspective and gamut of techniques for locating where these traumatic patterns are encoded. They are not in the mind - but in the energy system at the interface of psyche and soma. By addressing these realms concurrently, a powerful therapeutic synergy emerges that allows rapid and deep shifts in the patterns of distress that drive the psychosomatic system. Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP] provides a window into the deep sources and structures of emotional currents that flow through the mind. From the energetic vantage point, we can survey the parts, the multiple levels, and the hidden programmes of the psychosomatic system. We have access to realms that are not available through the psyche alone. The author has bridged the diverse fields of "thought field therapy" energy psychology and psychoanalysis to provide a novel overview that is both practical and theoretical.
‘Phil Mollon is a cautious revolutionary, one of those rare honourable thinkers and renaissance figures who rises above the milieu he was trained in to seek answers to difficult questions. Psychologist, psychoanalyst, practitioner of energy therapies, writer and thinker, he illuminates the impact of trauma on the human mind and body while making bridges between groups and subjects who have previously had little contact with each other. He now emerges with a fully fledged toolkit and movement - Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (a true PEP talk). PEP [is] inspired by thought field therapy, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), Seemorg Matrix and psychoanalysis, and integrates energy therapy from libido to Qi.'
- Valerie Sinason, PhD, Psychoanalyst
‘Phil Mollon is a trail-blazer who deeply understands the exciting new field of energy psychology, its major modalities and contributions, and its immense potential for removing human suffering even from the most afflicted. In "Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy" he lavishly offers us a clear and penetrating analysis of the field and its potential. It is a must read for clinicians and others interested in psychological transformation and healing.'
- Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD, Developer of Seemorg Matrix Work
‘Phil Mollon writes with the elegant charm of a gracious host who has selected only the most delicious foods for you to enjoy. Quantum physics and energy psychology are light and tasty. After you've read his book, you realize that you've learned substantial new ideas, yet feel like you've just come home from a great party with an armful of gifts from your host.'
- Tapas Fleming, Founder of TAT

1 Introductory remarks
2 The essence of energy psychology
3 History: how did we get to energy psychology?
4 Simple beginnings. EFT as a derivative of Thought Field Therapy
5 Basic procedures in an energy psychology session
6 Neurological (energetic) disorganisation
7 Psychological reversal and associated resistances.
8 Muscle testing (energy checking)
9 Parts and programmes - and other elements of the psychoenergetic system
10 Energy toxins
11 Working with the chakras
12 Some thoughts on Tapas Acupressure Technique
13 The energy perspective. How does it all work?
14 Freud, Reich, and bioelectric energy
15 Is the energy concept necessary? A cognitive model of Emotional Freedom Technique 16 Energy psychology perspectives for borderline personality disorder
17 The evidence base for energy psychology
18 Case studies
19 Ethical aspects of energy psychological work

The Author
Dr Phil Mollon PhD trained first in clinical psychology before qualifying in psychotherapy at the Tavistock Clinic in London. Subsequently he trained in psychoanalysis at the London Institute of Psychoanalysis and became a member of the ‘Independent Group' of analysts. More recently he has studied energy psychology extensively - including Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Seemorg Matrix, Freeway-CER, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Theta Healing, Healing from the Body Level Up, and Quantum Techniques and is a Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology and a Certification Consultant for The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. He is also a certified trainer of Tapas Acupressure Technique. His previous books have included "The Fragile Self"; "Multiple Selves", "Multiple Voices"; "Remembering Trauma"; "Releasing the Self", "the Healing Legacy of Heinz Kohut"; "Shame and Jealousy". He works within the National Health Service in Hertfordshire, UK. Dr Mollon is a member of the British Complementary Medicine Association [BCMA].