Novità editoriali

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan Book XVII. The Other Side of Psychoanalysis

Lacan Jacques

Psicoanalisi Lacaniana

Karnac Books

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Price: £17.09
Published: 2007

Revolutionary and innovative, Jacques Lacan's work lies at the epicenter of modern thought about otherness, subjectivity, sexual difference, the law, and enjoyment. This new translation of Lacan's yearlong deliberation on psychoanalysis and contemporary social order offers welcome, readable access to the brilliant author's seminal thinking on Freud, Marx, and Hegel; patterns of social and sexual behavior; and the nature and function of science and knowledge in the contemporary world.

Translator Biography:
Russell Grigg practices psychoanalysis and teaches philosophy and psychoanalytic studies at Deakin University. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.