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Violence in Children. Understanding and Helping Those Who Harm

Campher Rosemary

Violence in children

Karnac Books

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Published: 2008


This book explores various aspects of violence and the attendant emotional, psychological, biological and social features that may be found to accompany these states in children. It highlights the importance of prevention and early intervention and the implicit use of therapy to help children who are in these vulnerable and dangerous states of mind and body. Interdisciplinary research is also advocated as a research tool to help us to obtain as complete an understanding as possible of violence and it's vicissitudes in children.

Because violence may have many antecedents and consequences in the mind, the provision of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a very useful and elucidative method to use as a form of intervention. This book rests on fundamental psychoanalytic principles and processes as well as something very simple that we all know, yet tend to lose sight of in the need to fulfil budget requirements and in the context of under-resourced clinics and agencies that deal with vulnerable and psychologically at risk children-that children and parents who have increased social and emotional support in our society are less likely to develop pathological ways of coping with the various stressors and strains that are in part an inevitable element of living in the 21st century and which may also be at times an inherent part of our psycho-biological make-up.
Clinical material in all the chapters of this book also provide supporting evidence for how useful psychotherapy can be for children who have already developed coping strategies that are pathological, particularly in relation to violence. Research has found that too many obstacles are actually placed in the way of allowing violent children to receive the necessary treatment that could help them to overcome their violent tendencies.

Foreword by Donald Campbell
1. Early Life Trauma and the Psychogenesis and Prevention of Violence by Prof. Peter Fonagy
2. Violence in Children by Dr. A. Brafman
3. The Kick of Life by Roderick Macleod
4. Non-Retaliation: Surviving a Violent Five- Year Old by Camilla Sim
5. Violence and Babies by Dr. Stella M. Acquarone
6. A Little Boy Left Alone by Claire Keogh
7. Neutralising Terror by Rosemary Campher
8. Finding Abused Childrenâ€TMs Voices: Junior School Living Nightmares byValerie Sinason

The Author
Rosemary Campher is a Practising UKCP registered Psychotherapist who works with children and adults. She lectures Psychology and Psychotherapy at the British American College in London and works in private practice with children, adults and supervisees. She has worked for fifteen years with children. Special interests include Psychoanalysis, Child Therapy and Early Intervention and Prevention Programmes.